Rainbow Bargello Quilt – Free Pattern

Hi everybody! Another week that we will spend together learning a lot of beautiful things and we couldn’t be happier. We separated beautiful patterns to share with you. Pieces you can make to use at home, sell, give as gifts. Let’s start by learning the Rainbow Bargello Quilt. This quilt is very pretty and fun. Full of different colors and tones, the quilt is assembled in a way that gives the impression of a rainbow.

More than that, the vibrant colors contribute to the decoration of the environment. They make everything happier, full of life. I know that looking at it like this, the squares look very small and the first impression you might get is that it’s going to be a lot of work, both to cut and to sew. But wait, it’s not like that. In the pattern you will learn that strips of different colors are sewn together.

Then, new cuts are made and, in the new strips, we have the colored squares. Then we just have to assemble it correctly, to have the gradient of the colors, making the rainbow effect. In the pattern you have all the step by step well described. In addition, photos of the steps can help you throughout the project. You know that some patterns are more complicated, but with patience and calm, you will be able to make this quilt too.

Image / Pattern / Tutorial: Lets Quilt Something

The important thing is to read the entire pattern first before you start sewing, even before you buy the materials. Go to Lets Quilt Something, read the entire pattern, more than once if necessary. Was there any doubt? Come talk to us. We are here to help each other until we can all make these beautiful quilts. Then think about starting to sew.

When we learn the pattern first, it becomes easier to quilt. There are no doubts in the middle of the project, there is no lack of materials. They are to say that, with time, you will see how it makes a difference. Ready to make your home even more cheerful? This is the Rainbow Bargello Quilt proposal. Let’s quilt together!

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