Single Crochet Variations

Hey everyone, nice to meet you around here. Having you here means that, like us, you are passionate about crafts and want to learn a new pattern. And that’s what you’ll find here, ideas, news and instructions to guide you through many projects. First of all, I hope to find them well, healthy and eager to learn.

That crochet is an incredible technique and that we can do incredible things with them, everyone is tired of knowing. The simplest variations make a big difference in the final stitch. With slight variations you can do the waistcoat stitch, the cross stitch, or the back bump stitch.

Sometimes, when we are learning, it seems that a different loop won’t make much difference, but it does and in the end you can see it. Some stitches use a little more yarn. Gradually you will have more perception of details like this. Things that only practice will teach you. Do you realize that too? As much as we read, without practicing, it seems that we still don’t know very well.

Image / Pattern / Tutorial: Naztazia

That’s why we always encourage you to keep testing, trying new models. For the crochet stitches you don’t need large amounts of yarn. Thinking you won’t make a whole item, of course. With small samples we test a few rounds of the stitch and we already have an idea of how it will look.

From there, you can create whatever you want. Coats, scarves, blankets, coasters. It has happened that one of the loops is missed and it continues like this until the end, almost creating a new stitch. I don’t doubt that’s how we created such a large amount of stitches. Curious isn’t it? Come tell us some experience you had crocheting, we want to know. Come on, let’s crochet!


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