Hello my loves! Ready for another productive week? We are already here with several patterns separated and ready to share with you. So you can choose the ones you like the most. I know it’s a lot, but it’s better to have several options. Come start the week with Carpenter Star. Look at that beautiful model. What I love most about these quilts is that they are timeless.
Unless we opt for themed fabrics, but you will be able to use it for many years whenever you have this celebration. For this you must choose quality materials, a basic tip that all quilters must follow. We dedicate a lot of time and invest money too. We don’t want the quilt to only last one wash. It doesn’t have to be the most expensive fabric in the store, but it has to be quality, remember that.
As for sizing, when shopping for fabric always purchase slightly more than a specific pattern calls for. Get ⅓ to ½ yard more of each fabric. It may seem like a lot, but it’s best to be safe. Fabric may shrink a lot, we may do some wrong clipping. And save what’s left, there are many beautiful projects made with scraps like this. But not just the fabric, quality threads, good scissors that don’t chew the fabric.
Image / Pattern / Tutorial: Mary Quilts
An item that we don’t pay much attention to, but should be, are the needles. Not all needles are created equal, and some needles are better suited for quilting than others. Be sure to read the packaging of the different needles you’re considering to ensure they work with your machine and are suitable for your projects. Along with that, know when you should switch out your needle for a new one.
It can rely heavily on the quality of the needle you purchase and how often you sew. They are not expensive materials, we just have to ask and look for them when buying. When washing, try not to use hot water or chlorine bleach. These are simple precautions that will help your quilt last longer. Let’s go to the coolest part, shall we quilt? Come check out the carpenter star quilt available at Mary Quilts. Read it a first time very carefully and then start quilting. And any doubt, come talk to us here in the comments.
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