Tic Tac Toe Play Mat – Quilt Pattern

This quilt is a great way to pass time for kids, Tic Tac Toe. Everyone knows that kids have a lot of energy, so why not spend some time with games you make yourself? This quilt is easy to make. It’s a nice hobby for the whole family to enjoy together. A healthy game for children to spend time having fun. As it is made with light materials, it can be taken to many places. An afternoon at the park, games in the backyard, in the bedroom. And best of all, it doesn’t end so easily.

If quality materials are chosen, children will have a toy for a long time. It can also be a great gift to give to your little one’s friends. An original and very useful gift. Great selling option too. In times where technology has taken over children’s time, outdoor play is always welcome. Other parents will also be interested and the sale is certain. It will be a successful product! The pattern is very simple, squares sewn together, with the edge to finish the piece. To differentiate the play mats, choose different fabrics for the finishes.

Printed or plain, they all match the black base needed to assemble the Tic Tac Toe. You can use chalk cloth to assemble the piece. If you can’t find it, you can replace it with a black fabric and, in place of chalk, make X and O of fabric too. Just be careful when storing so you don’t lose them. The kids will love it. You can ask their opinion when choosing fabrics. I’m sure they will want to participate in the project and will be proud to have helped.

Tic Tac Toe on the Go – Jaybird Quilt

Tic Tac Toe Supplies

The supplies needed are basic. If you already sew, make quilts, you must have most of the materials at home. See what’s missing and get on with the project. Check everything before you start so you don’t have to stop in the middle of the craft.

  • 1/4 yd of Castle Flags in Yellow for Binding;
  • 1/2 yd of Castle Heraldry in Gallant Green for sashing;
  • 2/3 yd of Castle Town in Gallant Green for backing;
  • 1/3 yd of Chalk Cloth;
  • Low Loft Batting (at least 22″ x 22″);
  • Basting safety pins;
  • Chalk.

Any questions about how to do it? Check out the complete pattern available for free at JayBirds Quilt. Nothing better than pleasing our little ones. Best of all, this is a game for the whole family. Let’s make this beautiful Tic Tac Toe!

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