Corner to Corner Stitch

Hi everyone, ready to learn something new? I hope you’re as excited as we are to keep learning. We can never stop, otherwise we get discouraged and that is never good. When we learn something new, in addition to feeling better, we stimulate our brain, our memory, and we have a new craft item.

Today we are not going to share a new item, but a technique that we use to create different pieces, the C2C, have you heard of it? The abbreviation C2C, comes from Corner to Corner. It is a technique that allows you to weave the pieces from one corner to the other, diagonally. It is not new, this technique has been around for a long time and can be very useful at various times. It’s worth learning.

This technique can be applied to square or rectangular pieces, and most of the time in a double crochet, but nothing prevents you from using a half crochet, or even a double crochet. And the cool part is that you can create drawings, forming geometric patterns or even characters.

Image / Pattern / Tutorial: Naztazia

This crochet technique is often used for making blankets and afghans. You can make other items like scarves, shawls, and dishcloth, endless possibilities. It’s easy to adjust the size of C2C projects. You can easily add more rows to make your project larger and, using the same technique, you can make a small project too.

Here we are talking about square projects. If you want to make a rectangle, that’s simple too. Sarah Stearns explains to us: “you’ll increase on both sides until you reach one corner of the rectangle. You then start decreasing on that side, while still increasing on the other side. This will grow the length of the project without increasing the width. Then, when you reach the next corner, you’ll start decreasing on both sides until you reach the end”.

In the first rounds it may seem a little complicated, but with time you get the hang of it and you’ll see that it’s not difficult. Ready to get started? Come on, let’s crochet!

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